
Stage 8: Gelnhausen - Langenselbold

Çap edildi: 07.04.2019

1 week on the road, after 221 km one can pause for a moment. A short distance of 20 km to our friends in Langenselbold.

After the Sunday service, a spontaneous (grateful) invitation for breakfast with a brief explanation of the city. The one-hundred-year-old Mr. Kant tips his hat to me as we start a conversation. That is indeed a moment of happiness!

Through Gelnhausen to the mountain church in Niedergründau and early in the afternoon to our friends.

Gelnhausen from the vineyards
Gelnhausen from the vineyards
Mountain church Niedergründau
Mountain church Niedergründau
Catholic church Niedergründau
Catholic church Niedergründau

The Sunday is spent with the latest updates for my electronics, with family and mutual exchange.

On the horizon already the skyline of Frankfurt😊😢

Skyline FF
Skyline FF
