
August 25, Day 1 - Departure

Çap edildi: 26.08.2022

Thursday, 4:15 am - Meeting point rehearsal room. Let's go!

After a final rehearsal on Wednesday evening and the explicit instruction to be on time, not everyone is ready at 4:15 - even though the rehearsal room was closed at 10 pm. Some wanted to get as much sleep as possible, others still had to pack. But now all 33 musicians and supervisors are on the bus, and hopefully everyone has everything they will need for the next two weeks, and the journey can begin.

4:45 am - Departure. Next stop: Munich Airport.

Just before 7 am, we arrive at the airport - a big thank you to our bus driver. As everyone starts to wake up, we enjoy homemade Donauwelle cake made by our kitchen coordinator, before gradually queuing at the check-in counter.

Fortunately, both check-in and security check run smoothly and without any complications - yes, we were all actually allowed in xD

At half past 10 am - just before the announced boarding time, a gate change is announced, and the boarding time and departure are delayed by about 40 minutes, but in the end, we are all on the plane to Dublin, and even those who are flying for the first time are doing well.

Shortly after 2 pm local time - Arrival in Dublin.
After going through all the baggage and passport controls, we can already board the plane to L.A. and drive to the runway at around 3:45 pm.

6 pm local time - Arrival in L.A.
After about a 10-hour pleasant flight with only a few minor turbulence and a nap or two, we safely land in Los Angeles. However, it takes until around 7:30 pm until everyone has their luggage. Then we have to wait and look for something to eat, because our driver team - consisting of youth leader Max, who flew to America on Monday, and Franz on-site - is also delayed by a few hours, so we can only pack the buses and leave at half past 10 pm after a visit to In-n-Out Burger.

Just before the hotel, our luggage bus suddenly stops - out of gas. Oops.

So for now, only the other bus continues to the hotel, and the luggage stays on the road with the second bus until the tank is refilled.
In the meantime, we are already in our rooms, recovering from the travel strains of the last 28 hours. But when the bus arrives around half past 12:30 am, it's time to unload the luggage, and then probably everyone will fall into bed out of exhaustion.


Syýahat hasabaty ABŞ