
Tahoe köli

Çap edildi: 08.06.2023

Waking up, blinking for a moment, padding to the window and? - The sun is here😊 From now on, everything went pretty quickly. Have breakfast, upload pictures on the blog, and see what we can do here. As mentioned before, South Lake Tahoe is our first stop without any plans. Since the lake looks even more beautiful with the sun today compared to yesterday, although the grayness yesterday had its own charm, we went back to El Dorado Beach on the pier for a comparison photo. Yesterday vs. today. Then we continued to Glen Alpine Falls. A small, but really beautiful waterfall at Fallen Leaf Lake, a side lake of Lake Tahoe. A really beautiful area. The road there was partly very adventurous with mega potholes, which were difficult to estimate when filled with water, but we arrived and came back safely. In the forest, sometimes directly by the lake, cute houses and cabins. You could easily get jealous. When we arrived at Glen Alpine Fall, we jumped around on the rocks a bit (unfortunately not as graceful as a deer🤭), let the falls affect us from all angles, and just enjoyed the moment. From the falls, we drove to Pope Beach. We almost had the beach to ourselves. Again, we sat on a bench and let the view affect us. Until this idyll was disturbed by 2 *** children. The parents😑, no better. They came there for a picnic. Everywhere it says, please do not feed wildlife. What did they do? - Feeding wild geese. So far, so good. When the animals were close enough, they grabbed giant pine cones and threw them at the poor things and chased them. Sometimes hitting them really hard. We were really pissed off. I also grabbed a cone and was really ready to throw it at those stupid a***hole children's heads. Jörg was already jumping and furious. Another American shook his head and said: how can people be like that? The 😑 grandfather finally realized, it's almost buffalo time and at some point he spoke up. The parents stood there stupidly and grinned. Humans🤬 I don't understand such behavior. How can people be like that? Children, well okay. But as parents, standing there and doing nothing? No, stop that? I'm speechless. I hope for karma. That soon a wild goose will give the whole family a good pinch in the ass or poop on their heads while flying by😇 Really🤬

After the situation calmed down and we at least had hope that they would leave the animals alone now, we moved on.
There are several cable cars here. According to Google, they are open. So we found our next destination. When we arrived, one cable car was running, but not for the public. They were doing some technical inspection there. But the trip wasn't in vain. We drove around the mountain with a view of the lake until we discovered a great viewpoint. We parked the car and went there. It was wonderful 🥰 When we got back down, we drove towards Lake Tahoe/Nevada. A little outside the city, there was an inconspicuous larger parking bay on the other side of the road. We turned around, parked, and it was amazing again😍 The lake, the mountains😍 We walked along dirt paths down to the water and wandered around there for quite a while. Heavenly☺️ No people, pure nature, and heavenly silence. Unfortunately, our tour was abruptly ended by an iron gate and "No Trespassing" signs. So we went back to the car, had some food at Taco Bell, went to Safeway for a moment, and back to our hotel. Set off without a plan and found so many beautiful places☺️ A successful day. At the end, we caught the last rays of sunshine at the pool, what more could a man/woman want😊

Note: There are unicorn cookies at Safeway (see last picture). To Ms. Ines D.: I think these would be great cookies for Christmas 😇


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