Wie kommt die Olive in die Flasche?
Wie kommt die Olive in die Flasche?


Çap edildi: 11.08.2022

Although we cannot prove it with pictures yet, but we have arrived at the sea after a detour to Damme and have already frolicked extensively in a surprisingly warm and wavy North Sea.

Instead of Bruges, we looked for a place by the sea that offers almost everything ... except shade. Arrived, eat, swim, lie on the beach and explore the area - that was yesterday. In the evening, we toasted to the picturesque sunset. And Micha summed up very fascinated: 'And this will go on for 6 months?!?!?!' 'Yes, honey, it's up to us :-)' (... and the money)

Today we went to Bruges by bike, 20 km there and 20 km back, and always against the wind, but Micha was my windbreaker and so I made good progress. Bruges is the complete opposite of Antwerp - I feel comfortable here again. Often the second impression is a bit more sober - not in Bruges. I don't want to 'die' here, but I find this city worth seeing. Maybe it's already the French influence, coupled with the many canals, the delicious smells, the beautiful shop windows. Bruges has decided ... and it has chosen the image of a historic city. Not that I have anything against a modern city (HH-Hafencity = great, Dubai is also impressive), but personally I have a soft spot for the gray charm (even if it's masculine ,-))

PS: You can buy good meat here. We had a fantastic grilled steak with salad... delicious!!!

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