
Cross-border commuters

Çap edildi: 06.07.2024

This morning we took it a bit easier and were ready to leave Onguma at 10:00 a.m. Then we set off on the longest journey to date of around 450 km to Rundu. On the way we made a stop in Grootfontein to get a new fuse because the fridge and lights no longer worked due to the blown fuse. However, this was unsuccessful because this fuse also didn't work, so we had to call Peter for the first time, who then directed us directly to a workshop two streets away where our problem was quickly fixed so that we could continue on our way. Once we arrived in Rundu we made our way to our campsite on the Okavango River where we were given a spot with a view of the river, on the other side of which is the mainland of Angola.

In the evening we went on a 1 1/2 hour boat trip, during which we de facto crossed the border and were thus in Angola for a short time. We also saw a crocodile and a picturesque sunset on the Okavango, all of which made for a successful end to the day.


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