Блогҳои сайёҳии нав ва барҷаста Алберта

Die Zeit in den Rocky Mountains und Umgebung vom 20.08. bis 28.08.2020

Unsere Zeit in den Rocky Mountains von Jasper nach Banff und danach Richtung Vancouver Island.

10. Stop Edmonton, Alberta

My route took me past the North Saskatchewan River. I had a great view from a higher vantage point. ...

Arrival in the Rocky Mountains

On Tuesday, 19.11., I took a public bus to the airport in Kelowna in the morning to fly to Calgary. ...

Update on my stay at the Black Cat Ranch

ENVIRONMENT Black Cat Ranch + Jasper National Park and Lake Louise

Let's go / Couchsurfing in Canada

Here we go! Our first flight and the first days on the road.