Mit Baby in der Heimat.

Mit Baby in der Heimat.

Home is where the backpack is, and it's once again in the homeland.

A dream came true.

A dream came true. I am on the Island of the Gods.

Tiny island, Big name

Bali, a small island with a big name. Where traditions are still alive....

Being a mom can sometimes be quite serious.

I have been a mom for half a year now and have been traveling again for over two months. Sometimes e...

Durch den 'Monsun', hinter die Welt.

Mein Ausflug von Canggu nach Ubud wurde zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis...

Same, same but different

Same, same but different. This is our everyday life as a travel mom.

Pläne über Bord

Als ich gerade dachte, ich bleibe 3 Monate in Thailand, kam ein Impuls- boom. Kitzelnde Neugier stei...

A Day in Pai

When you really live in Pai.

With baby in the green jungle

There in the green jungle, after 762 curves (from Chiang Mai to Pai), somewhere in the countryside w...

When the plan changes and your life turns upside down

It seemed like everything was going according to plan. Until, on a Wednesday morning, May 11th, 20...