Day 29 - 32: A tiring mountain and the end of a beautiful journey

ప్రచురించబడింది: 12.03.2018

09.03.18 - 12.03.18 Ngawha Springs - Kaikohe - Dargaville - Shakespeare Park - Auckland - Auckland Airport

Today, Friday, we have planned a wellness day. Since the weather wasn't really nice, we decided to visit a hot spring. We found Ngawha Springs. For four dollars per person, you could bathe in about 12 different hot sulphur pools. The hottest pool was about 50 degrees and not manageable for both of us. There were mainly Kiwis (locals) in the 'baths'. The smell was quite unusual, but it felt really good. And the weather, well, that was typical New Zealand. Sun when rain was forecasted and vice versa. We spent about two hours in the pools, chatting with the locals and enjoying ourselves. For showering, there was only a garden shower with pretty cold water.

Ngawaha Springs
Ngawaha Springs

Back in the van, we looked at various options for overnight stays. In this area, there were hardly any free camping sites, and since we stank, we needed a proper shower with lots of soap. So we found a place on a farm with a hot shower in Kaikohe. Funny enough, the place was called Cow Shed (the DOC site already had the same name in 2015 on the South Island) and it was located on Wallis Street.

Cow Shed Reloded
Cow Shed Reloded

There wasn't much happening on this day. Phil made mashed potatoes again and we enjoyed the evening, which ended with a huge rain shower and rinsed our swimwear once again (they still stink).

Just another Cow Shed picture
Just another Cow Shed picture

On Saturday, our big goal was Mount Tutamoe (770 m above sea level). The weather was sunny, so we set off to the start of the walk. First, we drove about two kilometers uphill on a gravel road. At some point, we had to turn off into the 'bush'. We missed it narrowly and ended up at a 'bee house'.

New Zealand Schuhschacht.. ähh Bee House
New Zealand Shoebox...uhh Bee House

Of course, I got stung in the throat by a bee, which luckily wasn't too bad for me. When we finally found the turnoff, it was quite steep uphill at first. As we soon reached a meadow without trees and the sun was mercilessly hot, it became quite exhausting.

View from Mount Tutamoe
View from Mount Tutamoe

At some point, we were thankfully back in the forest. It was shady here, but the path became very swampy. Phil wanted to turn around and I had energy for two more. So we kept walking. A sign at the start of the walk said that it was 4.6 kilometers and we would need about 105 minutes. After 2 and a half hours and still no peak in sight, and we had to start climbing, we gave up. The weather also got worse and it even started raining temporarily. Since the path was really steep and we were somewhat concerned about 'slippery when wet', we turned around just before the destination. The descent was no less exhausting as we had to climb down backwards in some parts. Now we also understand why we didn't meet anyone on the way up. Back at the car, we drove to Dargawille. There we looked for a campsite because we were completely sweaty. In the evening, we actually wanted to go out for a burger. In Dargaville itself, there are only Asian restaurants, so we drove 16 kilometers out to a tavern. It looked really cozy and there were burgers too. The only problem was that they didn't accept credit cards and we didn't have any cash left. So we went back to Dargaville and went to an Indian restaurant instead. It was also very delicious.

To Tavern and back again...
To Tavern and back again...

On Sunday, we went to the Tokatoka Peak and climbed up there literally. The view was fantastic. The wind was also not easy, not to mention the descent.

Tokatoka Peak Summit
Tokatoka Peak Summit
Tokatoka Peak Descension
Tokatoka Peak Descension

But compared to yesterday's disappointment, it was really great. Then we drove on to Auckland. Shortly before the million city, we turned off again and visited Shakespeare Park. It was more than worth it. The park is completely protected against possums, rats, harmful viruses for the kaori trees, etc. You have to disinfect your shoes before going in. You are rewarded with a great variety of birds and nature. A little paradise.

Shakespeare's Tree

Unfortunately, it was soon time to say goodbye and drive to Auckland. There we went back to the same parking lot as at the rugby game. In the evening, we went to a bar and treated ourselves to fish and chips, steak, and enjoyed ourselves one last time.

This morning, we packed our things and went into town. We had pancakes and went up the Sky Tower.

Just another Auckland Tower Picture
Just another Auckland Tower Picture

Then it started raining and we arrived soaking wet at the van. Quickly change clothes and drive to the Apollo headquarters. Returning the van went smoothly, and we were already sitting in the shuttle bus to the airport. Now we are sitting well-fed in the lounge and waiting for the departure (I hope it will be cancelled due to the cyclone that is announced and postponed for four weeks). With a little sadness, we say goodbye to the beautiful island and look forward to the converted house, family, friends, the cat, and the chickens at home.

And we will be back :).

Sandra & Philipp

సమాధానం (1)

Sûrement de bonnes histoires à nous raconter !!!

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