Yoga & Pool Visit (22.4.22)

ప్రచురించబడింది: 22.04.2022

As announced - a day at the pool. However, there was a very close visit from the sloth next door and a parrot snake (non-venomous!)

Furthermore, I enjoyed my second yoga class on the yoga deck in the middle of the jungle. Pura Vida! ☺️

Sebastian continues to swim freely and surprisingly now even very confidently, although in the 'dog style' - still nothing to be done about the technique, because the gentleman doesn't listen.....we watch as other nations teach their children to swim: almost every Latin American child who arrives here, no matter how small, can dive. The children are almost all sent into the deep pool without any swimming aids and 'survive' there with their heads underwater somehow until they are collected again. So, it probably works like that too and we are too German😉 Sebastian also started 'diving' today (probably copied it), let's see where we are in 4 weeks - and the swimming course at home is already booked. He even says he's going (the people from Bremen are probably grinning now)😎

We send sun and 'Pura Vida vibes only' to all readers and now we're going to eat. Hasta luego!🏵️🌴☀️

సమాధానం (1)

Bestimmt geht Sebastian in den Schwimmkurs, er muss ja keine Angst mehr vor Wasser haben bzw. hatte er ja wohl auch nie. Nur ob er sich das Schwimmen nun noch anders beibringt läßt ist natürlich abzuwarten! Erstaunlich finde ich, daß die Tiere dort keine Angst vor Menschen haben und sich so nah an Euch heran wagen, daß sie sich fotografieren lassen. Yoga pur in der Karibik muss ja was Besonderes sein. He:). Bei uns ist das Wetter inzwischen auch schön, Sonnenschein viel aber im Schatten kühler Wind, also noch immer April. Ansonsten nichts super Aufregendes hier. Ich wünsche Euch einen bestimmt wieder unterhaltsamen Tag und sende liebe Grüße

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కోస్టా రికా ప్రయాణ నివేదికలు
#faultier#yoga#costa rica#familienreise#schlange#puerto viejo