ప్రచురించబడింది: 31.01.2019
26th Jan - 1st Feb '19
Paradise exists and we found it!!
Morning at Sunrise Beach at 6 o'clock, then a smoothie bowl for breakfast, then another 6 hours at the turquoise beaches and evening sunset at Sunset Beach. That's what a good day looks like in Ko Lipe.
Sunrise Beach has become my absolute favorite beach EVER. And there are finally shakes again, including very good mango shakes for just under 2€, drink a coconut for lunch and spoon and a grilled squid skewer in the evening. That's enough about saving :).
Unfortunately, I couldn't go diving anymore because I wasn't 100% fit, but that would have been very expensive too. Instead, I bought myself a few nice earrings and a super cool massage on the beach.
Now begins the 20-hour ride to Bangkok, yay. There we will do some more souvenir shopping, look forward to it!