Praise be to Allah

ప్రచురించబడింది: 06.06.2019

'al-Hamdu li-Llah' or, in short, 'hamdullah', means in everyday use 'we are fine' or 'thanks to Allah'.

After a detour to Azrou (this time all cherries were ripe, on the campsite we were allowed to feast to our heart's content - our tent was standing in the middle of cherry trees and on the neighboring rooftop storks were raising their young), we landed again in Tangier. Our last stop in Morocco before crossing to Spain. Everything went smoothly, we had no breakdowns. Because of the heat and Ramadan, we had to change our planned destinations, especially in the south. We have met open, friendly people and discovered a beautiful country. We will definitely come back to Morocco.

For two days, we enjoyed the bustling city of Tangier to the fullest. The honking traffic, the well-dressed people, and the Medina, where you always discover something surprising. The Souk, where you can find everyday objects alongside the tourist shops. The Muezzin, who shortened our night's rest a bit in the mosque next to the hotel. We have come to love the whole Arabic life.

Now our ship is waiting to take us to Tarifa.

సమాధానం (1)

Magnifique les babiuches

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