


Infos, Fotos & Stories zu meinem Auslandsemester in Aarhus, Dänemark

Leaving Aarhus - A Love Letter

Danish living: 'Hygge' is a must!

A weekend with Franzi in Esbjerg and on Fanø, visit from Steffi from Copenhagen, J-Day and lots of h...

Herbstferien - Copenhagen & Sweden

Today, I'm here to write again. Sunday evening, Franzi and I came back from our little fall break t...

Skagen and a little bit of home

Last week, I had a trip to Skagen and a short visit home to beautiful Augsburg. :)

With mom in Aarhus

This week I had visitors again, namely from my mom! :)

Visit, visit!

Yay, Lukas was visiting me in Aarhus! Unfortunately, I was sick for half of the time, but it was sti...

Aarhus - City of the Future?! And a Trip to Legoland!

Today we are talking about Free Yoga, Legoland Billund, and above all DOKK1 in Aarhus! What is that?...

33 days ...

... I've been in beautiful Aarhus! Time flies so fast and at the same time it feels like I've been h...

One week - or half an eternity

The first week in Aarhus.