7th June gray all day

ప్రచురించబడింది: 07.06.2019

After the beautiful day yesterday, it was just gray and rainy today. I was home alone all day again. The kids were at friends' houses after school, and Karin ended up working. So, I downloaded a book on my iPad and made myself comfortable. I put the armchair in front of the big living room window and read. Then at 3 pm, I finally went shopping. I needed some flat-leaf parsley for the potato salad. So, today we had Swabian potato salad with either grilled bratwurst or cod. Karin and the kids came for dinner at 4:30 pm. Afterward, we went shopping again. I had a long conversation with Karin. I hope the weather gets better again. After all, we, or rather the family, have three days off now. I have every day off. If I'm honest, I was expecting a bit more work. Let's see what the weekend brings.

సమాధానం (2)

Bei uns war es heute ziemlich heiss! Hätte lieber mit Dir getauscht... Mal sehen wie es bei Dir in den nächsten 3 Tagen ist. Schön zu lesen! Man ist auch ein bisschen dabei!!!

Danke für die vielen Eindrücke die du jeden Tag von einem schönen Fleckchen Erde uns vermittelt. Bei uns ist es im Moment wettermäßig sehr durchwachsen, aber es regnet nicht. Lass es dir weiterhin gut gehen!!

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