Arrival Lyon

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 13.09.2021

So, I've decided to write a blog. Mmh, what do you write in a blog. The idea for the blog came about because everyone at home can follow a piece of my journey, so it will be more of a travel diary than a travel guide.

Enough introduction, let's get to the actual, which is more interesting. Yesterday my train arrived at 8 pm at Lyon Part-Dieu. Then there was a little walk to the hostel. With my great sense of direction, I first went the wrong way, but still arrived. The first night was not very restful (in the bottom bunk bed). But it doesn't matter, I have plenty of time to sleep. This morning I went to the language school with my backpack, armed with a notebook and pen. I did pretty well and already have homework until Wednesday 😊

At 4 pm we will continue with a little city tour with the language school. Then there will be more pictures.

பதில் (3)

Und konner dabei der uff dich uffbasst 🙄

Falsch gelaufen 🤔das kenne ich von dir gar nicht 😂😂

Zumindest ein bisschen sollte ich mir treu bleiben 😂

பயண அறிக்கைகள் பிரான்ஸ்

மேலும் பயண அறிக்கைகள்