Tag 339 - Exploring Koh Chang by scooter including flat tire & rain

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 08.01.2023

Hello everyone

Today we started as usual on the terrace and then had breakfast.

Since the weather didn't cooperate, we were unsure what to do today. Originally, we wanted to have a day at the beach again, but it kept raining on and off, so we looked for an alternative.

We found a nice-looking path through the mangrove forests online, which was perfect as a bad-weather solution. Actually, this path is relatively close to us (11 km), but since the road doesn't go all the way around the island, we had to go around and had about an hour of driving time ahead of us.

We started at 11:40 a.m., we also packed all the dirty laundry and brought it to the nearby laundry service.

On the way, we passed a viewpoint overlooking the sea where we took a break and took some photos. Then we drove a bit further, but shortly after it started raining again and we sought shelter. We turned around and wanted to go to a beach bar that we had discovered earlier while passing by.

Before that, however, we discovered an abandoned bungalow resort, which of course we had to take a look at first ☺️

The rain got heavier, the road got slippery and then... we had a flat tire... Luckily, it was only 1.5 kilometers to the bar, Kevin drove the scooter to the destination and I jogged alongside. On the 1.5 kilometers, we saw two accidents due to the extremely slippery road. Both times, we stopped briefly, helped gather the belongings of those involved in the accidents, and were glad to see that nothing more than a few minor scratches had happened.

Nevertheless, it was a warning for us not to underestimate the roads here.

We sat down in the beach bar, ordered two drinks, and asked the owners for help with the flat tire.

Both of them were really nice and called the rental service for us. About an hour later, a taxi came and took us and the scooter. We went to the nearest workshop and got a new inner tube. We had to pay for the inner tube and the taxi ourselves, but fortunately it doesn't cost much here, and we were grateful that everything was organized and went smoothly.

By now, it had stopped raining briefly and we drove back towards the hotel.

On the way, we made a short shopping stop because it had gotten quite cold and my sweater was at the laundry service ☺️

We ate something really delicious in a restaurant next door and reached our hotel around 5:30 p.m. - it was raining again.

We sat down comfortably on the patio and let the warm bathtub fill up. In total, we had to call the technical service four times because the warm water kept tripping the circuit breaker 😅

But in the end, this also worked out and we sat in the bathtub all evening, drank a beer together, and ordered a club sandwich to share ☺️

So, that's it for our day and as usual, we say:

See you tomorrow ☺️

பதில் (1)

eigentlich ein ereignisloser Tag, der zum völligen Abenteuer wurde, hihi

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