Bangkok. Fast at the end.

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 12.02.2017

Arriving completely exhausted in Bangkok, we check into the booked hostel. The rooms cannot be occupied for a few hours, so after a short nap in the lobby, we decide to go to one of the big malls to kill time. We buy a few things, but most of it is definitely junk. In the evening, we go to one of the sky bars with two other acquaintances, above the rooftops of Bangkok. Breathtaking.

Day 2,

After going to bed early yesterday, today we tackle the absolute tourist program. We take a bus and a ferry to the Grand Palace, but quickly decide mutually not to visit it (too expensive and way too crowded).

So we go a few meters further to the temple where the sleeping Buddha lies, I'll spare you my personal opinion on religion for now, but it definitely has to bring in some money.

Because we don't understand it, instead of going back, we take the ferry to the other side of the river, where another beautiful, totally unnecessary temple awaits us.✅

We return via China Town, I have rarely seen so many people in one place, so it is exhausting on site.

Currently, we are in a taxi on our way to my personal highlight of the entire vacation. We are going to a football match, Bangkok United is playing and no one other than the Messiah himself is here. Power Ernst, I hope we get to see you! ❤

Ok. Let's make it short, we found him. In football fashion, we sneaked over to the VIP area and actually ran into him. We had a short chat, took a photo, and continued to be grateful that we hadn't already missed the kickoff!

It was definitely a bit strange that the opposing teams first said goodbye to the foreign coach and then to the opposing fans before going to their own section.  


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