02-01-20: Change of location

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 02.01.2020

Today we arrived in Punto Arenas, the city on the Magellan Strait discovered 500 years ago. This is where our journey to Antarctica started and later continued to Torres del Paine. There isn't much to see here. However, the barricaded bank buildings stand out. The banks were heavily damaged during the demonstrations.

We are staying here tonight and tomorrow we will fly to Puerto Montt.

But first I went to the hairdresser, which was necessary too!

பதில் (2)

Friseur in Punta Arenas...das ist ja spannend :-)! Nachher-Foto gewünscht...

Haarschnitt ist super. Aber Foto davon gibt es keines.

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