Visit to a children's aid project

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 26.01.2018

Today we had the opportunity to get to know an incredibly great project. Attached to our accommodation is the Children's Shelter Foundation (CSF), which provides a protected home for disadvantaged children from the mountain villages of Northern Thailand and Myanmar. The reasons why the children live here are varied. They range from poverty, drug-addicted or incarcerated parents to abuse. None of them would have had a future in their homeland.

Under the roof of the CSF, there is now a colorful blended family of 43 children and teenagers along with their teachers, caregivers, and mentors. Since most of the children don't even speak Thai when they arrive, they are taught both this language and English, and they receive a structured education as well as a structured and loving home. Everyone has their own tasks and contributes to the community. Some of the older ones work at Joy's Guesthouse (that's the name of our accommodation) or are already attending university.

Although these children all have a difficult past, they were so incredibly warm-hearted and always had a smile on their faces. They came right up to us, introduced themselves, played with Nora, and shared their things with her. When Nora said she would like to see how the children live/sleep, a girl immediately took us and showed us her little kingdom. The little mouse was very proud of her Hello Kitty bedding :-)

We were guided by Philipp, a young German who works there as a volunteer. A really great project that bears fruit and has made a big impression on Nora and me!

பதில் (1)

Das klingt nach einem tollen Projekt! Wie schön, dass ihr es euch anschauen konntet. Wir denken an Euch 😘