March 23, Day 59 of the Corona crisis and we're in Noosa

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 23.03.2020

Last night, my favorite 'Trash-TV', 'Married at first sight', was interrupted by a live speech from Prime Minister ScoMo (Scott Morrison). He was very annoyed by the behavior of Australians on Sunday, who gathered and celebrated at Bondi Beach in Sydney as if nothing was wrong...

Corona speech: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison

He ordered the beach to be cleared!

And now we are also in pandemic stage 2:

> Pubs, gyms, cafes, restaurants, hotel bars, library, swimming pool, regional gallery... closed from today!

> The bottleshops will remain open for now, 'thank God'.
'A crisis without red wine, oh shit!' ;-)

> Strictly maintain 4 square meters of distance, no more traveling and so on...

> However, schools remain open so that parents can continue working and not everything falls apart at once!


After the speech, we had our first heated family discussions. The main topic: Maxi wanted to meet up with his friends at Main Beach after school today, but Günter forbid him to do so!!!

This morning, Maxi didn't want to go to school!

'The risk of infection is greatest there!', his comment.

We let him stay at home because he still has to write his 'Assignment in Business' until Wednesday.
Moritz had to reluctantly go to school.

Our condition for Maxi: 'OK, then you take care of canceling your gym membership, selling your surfboard and bike on 'Gumtree'!'

'OK, the ad is out', let's see if he can even get rid of it anymore and at what price...

Mo just sent Maxi an email from school:
'So, are you working nicely or are you on your phone' :-))

Otherwise, a concerned mother from Germany called us, the mother of one of Maxi's classmates, whose farewell was celebrated by the group at Main Beach last Friday. (Farewell of the daughter, not the mother ;-) )

She would prefer it if the girl didn't fly back alone and possibly get stranded in Doha. Could we take her under our wings and fly back together with her.

We agreed to take care of it!


Well, our plan so far was:

Our visa is valid until the end of July, maybe everything will have calmed down a bit by then?! So for now, stay calm, wait and drink tea ...

However, we are starting to worry a bit whether we will even get a flight to Europe, let alone Germany, by then?!?

Maxi's idea: We ship our 11-year-old Volvo to Russia // Vladivostok and drive the measly 11,000 km from Russia to Northeim by car!

Okaay?! We hope it doesn't come to that!

So back to 'Plan A' again:
Fly back to Frankfurt at the end of July or earlier:

1. We have already made advance payments for rent, 'will we get that back?'

2. We still have to sell the car, 'who buys a car now and will it be a huge loss?

3. Maxi still wanted to take his driver's license test here, will that still work?

4. I still wanted to send some of my pictures back by mail, will that work?

5. We still haven't been to 'Uluru'!!!, we had planned to go during Easter holidays, can we forget about it now?!

6. And 'last but not least', will we even get a flight back without multiple layovers?

Just now, a man in the house across from us coughed pretty loudly, it sounds like a dry cough...

You see, it remains exciting!!!

PS: Just received an email from the artist and tutor:
Nicholas Wilton with the idea:
to do art at the kitchen table!!! Great idea!

பதில் (4)

Ach, kein Sorge, Günter hustet doch oft ...


Hallo Ihr da unten, doofe Zwickmühle in der Ihr steckt. Aber warum jetzt Hektik? Bis Ende Juli ist noch viel Zeit. Ich wäre für die Variante abwarten und Tee trinken. Wenn sich die globale Situation oder zumindest die Situation in Deutschland wieder "normalisiert", wird es auch wieder Flüge geben . . Die Firmen wollen doch wieder Geld verdienen, auch wenn der Staat zurzeit Unsummen in die Wirtschaft pumpt. Haltet Euch an die grundlegenden Hygieneregeln, dann kommt Ihr heile durch !

Danke Oliver, für's Mutmachen! Wir wünschen dir und Silke auch alles Gute und bleibt gesund!

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