Love my pony;California must wait; riding the count. Devide; lucky me; maybe better so

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 08.06.2018

Warning: this might get a long one as you can see from the headline. Thought it's weekend and you have anyhow not much to do. Germany is hot. So stay lazy and read if you like.

Unfortunately the blog was not uploaded on Sunday 🤔

So it comes with some delay now.

Odt 2600mls so 4200km in 13days is about 300km per day, so more than I calculated to doon average. Only problem I should be in California or at least in western Idaho at that milage.

So where is the problem? I love to ride my pony too much. As my 4 hoofed pony at home it carefully listens to my balance, reacts fast and prompt to my helps and is always ready for a sprint. Also it stays on track perfectly when I from time to time enjoy the landscape too much or hang out with my thoughts. As Rochiera it does not like to go backwards _ always nose first. It brought me very comfortableand often faster than allowed on the long stretches through TX. Now in the Rockies it brings me on rough off road and forest roads to places I would not have thought to go with a motocycle.

So also at Saturday morning. The Camp host advices me a old off road track which should bring to an old mining place... So off I ride. About 4miles all easy then more sophisticated for about 6miles but still somehow OK. I improve by riding this stuff. But the it changed again no gravel and Rock but pure dirt and big rocks. No way stopping so eyes wide open and the throttle too. Found my way up with keeping the counter on motocycle lay downs on 3! Heart beat on 200 I found a spot to turn and greeping back on 2wheels and 2feet. Enjoyed the other 8miles back.

Rode to steamboat to get service and answer some WhatsApp and have a burger. Only 2pm I thought I do some more riding rabbit ears pass and back offer buffalo (dirt road _ I get addicted). Enjoyed riding up the pass and had fun with the car in front of me downwards! The rough winds forced me to slow down _ they are unpredictable and come from all sites. Now with distance to the car in front a huge pickup truck showed up with more lights flashing than any Christmas tree. U_turned behind me 😐. And accelerated as hell. I was ready to go together with my pony to jail or at least get a big and long speach from a 6' 6'' tall and 340lbs eavy officer plus a love letter with quite some $$$. Lucky me _ he passed me and stopped the car in front 😎.

The circle back to steamboat springs was closed. Buffalo pass is still covered with snow. Maybe better so. I start to overdo it with dirt and off road. There are 8000more miles I want to cover safely with my pony.

Going back to camp I stop at Save ways for some candy. Dave and Michelle my camp neighbors invited me for dinner. On my question what I can add. Dave just said : some dirty German jokes at the fire after the kids are in bed 😃😃. That's easy _ still bought some Werther s echte and Black forest Gummi worms which come from Illinois for them.

They are from Steamboat and love to camp.

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Ist wohl Verwandtschaft zu Romy ;-)