Life update

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 21.02.2021

Hey guys, after almost 2 months I'm checking in again. Why haven't I posted in so long? - Quite simply; not much exciting has happened.

But today, on February 21, 2021, I've been here for exactly 6 months. And I thought this would be a good opportunity to check in again.

At the beginning of January I added a triple placement. My host family had planned from the beginning to host an exchange student for six months starting in January. Arlena and I somehow sneaked into the family. Initially, we were only a support family, but then we spontaneously became the permanent host family. Since then, there are three exchange students here; two of them are from Italy, and they're also from the same area... plus, my host mom is also Italian. At first, I found that really annoying. Italian was being spoken everywhere...! Seriously? Now a month and a half has passed and I've gotten used to it and accepted it. On the contrary, I'm also very relieved that there isn't another German person in the host family.

Regarding school, it was decided that we would do homeschooling for now. As of now: until early March. Last week, we had a planned week off for Mid-Term Break. Today, the further course of action was announced: we will stay at Level 5 until April 5. But I'm already going back to school on March 15.

But being at home also has its advantages: you spend more time with the host family. We played 'Mensch Ärgere Dich Nicht' more often - my host brother loves it! I played a lot with my two little host siblings and cuddled with them. And took a lot of pictures - they love the filters on Snapchat ;D. But they can also be annoying, especially now that we're all sitting at home. And I've already been decorated and became the new Christmas tree (my hair was full of hair clips).

For school, I had to bake something during the holidays. I chose to make oat biscuits. And they were really easy but very tasty. My whole host family loved them.

At the moment, you can only meet one person outside. I took advantage of that and met another German exchange student here in Mallow. She taught me a bit about rugby. It was really fun. Otherwise, we just meet for a walk.

And because we currently can't meet anyone who lives more than 5 km away from us, I wrote to a friend from school. I kept thinking about it, but didn't do it. After a little bit of convincing, I wrote to her. We skyped. We saw each other again and were able to talk a bit. And it also helped me a lot in terms of motivation. After sitting at home all the time and 'only' seeing the host family, it felt really good to have contact with friends here in Ireland and to know that there are still other people.

And to prevent the roof from falling on my head completely, I go outside and take a walk almost every day. And the weather is almost always on my side. Blue sky and sunshine! And it's not as cold anymore.

That's it for now from me. I know the post isn't very long, but there's not much you can do at the moment. But I don't have to tell anyone that.

I hope you got a little insight into my lockdown life.

See you soon.

Your Davina

பதில் (2)

Hallo Davina, das klingt trotz Lockdown alles richtig gut👍🏻. Ich drücke dir ganz fest die Daumen, dass es im März weitere Lockerungen gibt und du Gelegenheit hast, noch mehr von Irland zu sehen. Liebste Grüße von deiner Tante Chris

Wie süß, deine Gastgeschwister😍

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