
Update on my stay at the Black Cat Ranch

Publicerad: 08.11.2019

After over a month, I wanted to give a sign of life. The last few days at the ranch are going well.

The weather played like in a quartet several melodies, the different colors of the leaves fell to the ground after a while and slowly became one with the ground (the earth).

In the end, I will upload a few pictures, as I have taken more than 300 pictures or maybe even more, I will simply show you a variety of different places.

So far, I can highly recommend Canada. The nature is truly beautiful and I am happy and grateful to be able to experience it.

As you may have already read, on November 13th, I will continue to Blue River, which is located in British Columbia (9-hour time difference). I have chosen a place that is quite remote again. This time, however, I have to take care of myself and I'm curious to see what other obstacles will come my way.

Unfortunately, I have not found a suitable car yet, maybe it's just not time yet.

The experience of hardly being able to move independently is quite challenging when you have learned it differently.

Traveling sounds exciting, exploring new places, getting to know new people, and then, as with everyone else or maybe with all travelers, there are always 'ups and downs' like in any other life.

My low point was for a few days when I felt stuck here. I looked for a car every day and didn't find one that I felt good about buying. The other language that you can't speak perfectly and suddenly an odd feeling comes up and it seems like you want to go back to your simple life.

But there are always reasons why things turned out the way they did, why they should turn out that way. That is the growth of your own personality, your own self.

Out of the comfort zone! Not always easy, but it definitely feels very good afterwards.

Now, to the part that you are probably most interested in. Did I see a bear? 'Yes, but only for a moment (a black bear) and it's hibernation time from now on.

~Shots in the area of the Black Cat Ranch, Jasper National Park, Banff National Park, and a day in British Columbia (Mount Robson).~

View on November 6th from the Black Cat Guest Ranch.

Svar (1)

Wunderschöne Fotos mit Gänsehauteffekt, liebe Anja. Es ist schön, von dir zu lesen.

Reserapporter Kanada