Trips mit Travis
Trips mit Travis

Travis talks about Siladen

Publicerad: 14.10.2023


My goodness, as soon as I don't say anything for a day, a lot happens again.

First of all, the most important thing: my two older ones actually dived in the “Black Water”.

I never looked at the book

And they were totally impressed and excited when they came back. They kept saying something like “incredible” or “magical.” Seems like a cool thing. My oldest will definitely tell you more about it here.

Beings like from another world
He'll be an octopus when he grows up

The pictures are actually pretty special, I think.

And the next morning there were actually two last dives here in Siladen in the Bunaken National Park. You probably know what that is, a national park, right? Just in case: this is an area where nature is under special protection and where people have to be more careful not to damage anything.

I still don't understand why the big guys need something like that. Shouldn't we do this always and everywhere, the thing about protecting nature? But well, I'm just a buddy bear and don't understand everything the big guys do.

In any case, my oldest had a bit of ear problems in the morning and decided to skip diving. You have to pay particular attention to your ears when diving. They are basically a national park 😇

And that's why my oldest drove off alone and my oldest and I just looked behind and waved.

Left behind...

Then I felt a bit uneasy. But luckily the great diving guide Yopi was there and brought them back safely. My oldest was also quite relieved, it seemed to me. Thanks, Yopi!

Yopi explains a dive site

She then said that she was in a place where there were so many turtles that at some point she stopped counting. Sounds really nice and she obviously liked it.

In the afternoon I actually ventured closer to the water. I eyed the pool. There is even a small waterfall:

Lots of fast water 😳

And imagine, then my older one held me tight and we went INTO THE POOL together. Of course I didn't go into hiding and I had to lean on it a bit, but I still felt really brave. What do you think?

IN THE POOL with my big one!

In the evening some really nice people asked about me and my travel adventure with my two older ones. And I was allowed to take photos with them. They even want to follow what I always say here, they said. I'm really happy about it, because I really enjoy telling stories.

Tia and John from USA
Lea, who runs the diving center together with Leo.

Wow, that was another full day. I needed some sleep then. And now my older ones have packed everything because we have to go to the airport soon.

Bye, Siladen! It was nice

We're going back to Singapore and flying to Australia on Monday. This is supposedly called “Down Under” because it is located “at the bottom of the globe,” so to speak. At least that's what it looks like. I hope we don't fall down then. And if so, there are certainly great adventures to be had in space. I will report.

Greetings and see you soon!

Travis the Buddy Bear

Svar (5)

Lieber Travis, dass sind ja ganz tolle Abenteuer, die ihr 3 da schon erlebt habt 😀! Sag liebe Grüßle an Deine zwei Großen und wir sagen „Terima Kasih“ für‘s hier mitreisen dürfen! Habt eine tolle Zeit, unvergessliche Erlebnisse und gebt gut auf Euch acht 🙏🏻! Günter & Ute…und übrigens: man kann nie genug Fotos von Nemo haben 😉

Lieber Travis, du machst das soooooo gut, das mit dem Erzählen und Erklären. Ich freue mich immer sehr zu erfahren, was Du so mit Deinen Großen erlebst. Und ich muss ihnen Recht geben: die Photos von den leuchtenden Tieren sind schon magisch. Grüße bitte die beiden von mir und ich wünsche Euch einen guten Flug und freue mich jetzt schon wie Bolle auf tolle Photos und Deinen Bericht. Liebe Grüße Marita

Danke, liebe Marita. Die Grüße habe ich schon ganz schnell ausgerichtet. Is ja wichtig sowas.

Guten Morgen lieber Buddy Bär 🙂 Wie schön, dass du schon wieder sooo viel erlebt hast. Ich freue mich ganz doll dass ich durch deine Berichte ein bisschen mit dir und deinen Großen mitreisen darf 🎉🎉💕 Ein dickes Dankeschön dafür 🙏🌺🙏🌺 Bin schon ganz gespannt was du in Australien so alles sehen wirst, beobachten kannst du ja wirklich total gut 👍 Kommt gut dort an, und vor allem haltet euch gut fest, damit ihr nicht im Weltall landet 😮 Ganz liebe Grüße an dich und deine Großen 🌺🌺🌺

Danke, liebe Marlies! Australien wir spannend. Und ganz bestimmt fallen wir nicht runter - haben meine beiden Großen gesagt.

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