Reise ans andere Ende der Welt
Reise ans andere Ende der Welt

Preparations and start of the journey

Publicerad: 03.05.2019

It was good that I took April off to prepare for the trip, clean out the apartment, and, above all, spend a lot of time with loved ones! I particularly enjoyed the week around Easter. Even though that week was very busy with visiting family and friends, I was able to enjoy the time and everything was very relaxed. It was a 'farewell party' just the way I wanted it. Not a big party where I wouldn't really benefit, but quality time with people who are important to me.

Back in Karlsruhe, the excitement started to build up slowly. Now I had three full days until the big day. That should be enough time to pack my backpack and boxes. Thanks to my great travel packing list, which I can use for almost all of my trips, packing my backpack was relatively quick.

But packing the boxes and storing them was a bit more challenging in my head - I had already started clearing out weeks before. On the day before the flight, I started to panic a bit. I didn't realize how much stuff I still had.

The day of the flight was almost similar to the day before submitting my master's thesis. But with pressure, you can handle any amount of work. By 4 p.m., all the boxes were packed, the last load of junk was taken to the second hand store, the apartment was cleaned and ready for handover, and the luggage was ready so that I had a 2-hour buffer before my train to the airport.

I was really looking forward to the moment of finally sitting on the train and getting a clear mind. However, the clear mind only came in the plane when I no longer had internet. While everyone around me started watching movies, I just sat there for the first few hours and enjoyed the sudden calmness within me. :-) I also find the airplane experience always exciting. I admire the flight attendants for asking the same questions and giving instructions patiently and seemingly cheerfully over and over again.

Thanks to the two short nights I had before, I was able to sleep reasonably well on the plane and the 10-hour flight flew by and I arrived in Singapore, my first destination. :-)


Reserapporter Tyskland