LISA #irgendwoimnirgendwo
LISA #irgendwoimnirgendwo

Bali - Ubud

Publicerad: 12.11.2017

October 31 - November 2

On October 31, we went to our last stop in Bali, Ubud.

In the afternoon, we arrived at our hotel with a pool and beautiful rice fields in front of it. It was not directly accessible by car, so we had to walk the last 500m. It was nice to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

We took a short trip to the city, tried the first coffee in Bali, and enjoyed the evening comfortably.

November 1

On November 1, it was the 'Galungan' holiday and many shops were closed.

Info about Galungan holiday:

As part of the preparations for Galungan on the previous day (October 31), the "Penjors" are set up to decorate the streets. These are long decorated bamboo poles with offerings made of palm leaves, fruits, and flowers. The tops of the Penjors are leaning towards the middle of the road. The poles are decorated with weaving and often decorated with rice bundles. They are placed in front of each house as a symbolic thanks to Sanghyang Widi for his kindness, which gives people life and prosperity and allows the fruits to grow in the fields.

Galungan main holiday, 'Hari Raya Galungan'

On Galungan, the highest god Sanghyang Widi, along with other deities and ancestors, descend into earthly temples, where they are celebrated and enjoy the offerings made to them. After 10 days, on Kuningan, they return to heaven. A comprehensive cultural program (shadow plays, mask dances, cockfights) completes the holidays.

Visit to the famous rice terrace 'Tegalalang Rice Terrace'

Upon arrival, we were approached by a guide and taken to his plantation. Here, we were able to try 12 different teas and coffees for free (from strawberry to coconut coffee).

Here we also bought a sweet tea for dear Grandma at home.

We then took a short walk to the rice terraces. However, the heat overwhelmed us, so we didn't stay long...

Kopi Luwak

There is the Asian palm civet. A nocturnal, cat-like animal that is highly esteemed on the island. Once it is in its cage. Because it can do something no one else can: it shits the most expensive coffee in the world.

Monkey Forest

We decided to go directly to the Monkey Forest. Here, we visited the monkeys and fed them bananas. 🐒🍌

Before even entering, we were greeted or rather checked if we had any food in a plastic bag...

Greeted by monkeys even before the entrance

It seems like the monkeys are doing well...

And then, of course, we also bought bananas to feed the monkeys... All we had to do was hold the banana up in the air, and a monkey would jump on us. 😅

Stefan just came from his beauty bath and was soaking wet 😂💦🐒

I found a quiet spot...

Notice the monkey in the background of the following pictures, trying to get to my backpack...


Mmmmhh delicious banana 🍌🐵

I just wanted to check the map for a moment, and two monkeys were already on it... 🙈

Oh, and by the way, there are also 100 different tree species in the forest. 🌲🌴🌿

Eventually, it was time to say goodbye... 🐒


We relaxed by the pool for a while before it got dark and then went out for a delicious meal.

November 2

Today, it was time to say goodbye again!

Our time together is coming to an end. It was truly a great, varied, and unforgettable trip we had together. Thank you for visiting me, brother 💑

Farewell tears were shed by me...

And then I was on my own again and had to find a dormitory in the hostel because I could no longer afford the hotel on my own....

In the evening, I moved to a great hostel in the middle of the city (recommended by our lovely hotel owner).
