
Arrival on Monday

Publicerad: 17.09.2018

I started my journey to the city outside the WGT with a slight sore throat and a tired state. The final preparations were made (making tea for the train journey, checking things, etc.)

I am curious to see how the city in Saxony will impress me.

At the train station towards Basel, Lady Red appeared for a short time (anime insider) *laugh*

You have to get used to a lot on the commuter train towards Basel if you haven't taken the train in the morning for a long time. Stuffy air, shaking train cars, and sleeping commuters.

Okay, I have to admit that I also slept. Old habit from my training days.

So far, the train ride to Leipzig has been relaxing. At the stop in Freiburg, the city was kissed by the sun and slowly radiates its strength. Picturesque landscapes invite you to take landscape photos, but it's very difficult from the train. The hobby photographers among you probably know that.

Karlsruhe is behind me and Monnem (Mannheim) is slowly approaching. The still "Baden" city that made a German of Ottoman origin who can speak Russian famous. I'm talking about Bülent Ceylan.

The destination of the trip will be reached soon and I wake up from my tired state with great joy.

Before the gates of Leipzig, the train ride passes through a landscape dominated by wind turbines and high-voltage pylons.

The closer you get to a city or larger villages, the greener the section becomes.

Sorry that I couldn't take any photos for you.

After 15 minutes of searching for my accommodation, I finally arrived.

With a broken shoulder and luggage, it was a challenge for me. But at least I arrived safely and I'm looking forward to the next few days in Leipzig.

The first impression of Leipzig is good. The people are friendly and you immediately notice the Saxon temperament.

My first visit was to the music and fan merchandise store that also had its advertising appearance on TV. I'm talking about the EMP store.

In addition to metal and scene needs, the store also offers a good selection of fan merchandise, music, etc.

I rounded off my evening at the Barefoot Alley. It's really an alley with bars and pubs side by side.

The Kildare is an Irish pub and it offers everything from German traditional to Irish cuisine, including Guinness, of course.

Since the Oktoberfest is taking place in Munich this week, a special Oktoberfest menu has been printed for this occasion. (white sausage with sweet mustard and wheat beer, etc)

The closer it gets to the evening, the busier the alley gets, and passers-by weave past each other to get a place at one of the bars.

Small tip from me, go to a bar or pub earlier so you don't have to deal with the crowd.

My last stop was the MDR Panorama Tower.

On an observation deck that stands about 145 m above Leipzig, you have a very nice view of the city.

Get a commemorative coin made for yourself and try to take a selfie from the tower.

