
07.01.2018 - Trip to Uvita and the strange hotel

Publicerad: 08.01.2018

After an uneventful 06.01, due to continuous rain at Lake Arenal (why does it always rain when we go somewhere? We seriously considered marketing this in areas with less rain....) we continued our trip to Uvita at the Pacific coast, which took about 6 hours, so the usual average speed of 50 km, although the road was quite well developed.

Once we arrived there, we found our hotel immediately, but it seems that Booking is not always what it seems to be. Since nothing really matched, we only paid for two nights instead of the booked four, and decided to see what else was available.

Right near the hotel, there was a small waterfall, which invited us for a refreshing swim, which we couldn't resist....

The town itself is located right at the Pacific coast and attracts the usual backpacker and surfer clientele..... we explored it further in the evening....

A few pictures from the day....


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