Ulli 🌏 Falk
Ulli 🌏 Falk

Tag 147-150 '05.03.2020'

Diterbitkeun: 05.03.2020

Hello everybody,

The last few days have been exciting. Our journey continued through the valleys and mountains of the New Zealand Alps. Here and there, a snow-covered peak peeked through and the weather was mostly ☀️.

We made a stopover on Day 148 in Wanaka. Until recently, Mr. B. lived here and recommended the city to us. It's a small, sweet town that greeted us with a lot of wind but sunshine. We strolled along the promenade and enjoyed our ice cream by the lake. Originally, a moderate hike was planned for the next day. But the track was closed and the weather the next day was rainy. So today we stayed in bed late and turned breakfast into lunch. Sometimes you just have to do that. Then we drove for about 1 hour to our next destination: Queenstown.

We spent the rest of the day here. Here, too, there was a lot of ☀️ and a lot of wind. This time we had to unpack our jackets.

We had already found our campground for the night. It was a bit remote, after a winding road at an altitude of about 1000m above Queenstown. The view was right into the bay and the airport - we had plenty to watch in the evening 👀👀.

Day 150 was supposed to be a special day. The date 05.03.2020 will not soon be forgotten. BECAUSE we did it!!!! Congratulations are gladly accepted via this blog, WhatsApp, and calls 😇.

For explanation...

A few days ago, Ulli asked Falk, and he said YES.

The day began icy. Three blankets kept us warm overnight. The alarm clock rang at 09:00 because we had an appointment at 11:30 and couldn't be late. Just before half past 11, we entered the door warmly dressed. We were already expected. They asked us if we wanted a photographer. "Of course, we can't take pictures of ourselves," we said. And shortly afterwards, we got into the fancy car and headed to the location. We even had our own driver. The drive to the place we had chosen for this special moment took just under 40 minutes. When we arrived, a suit was already ready. It was quickly put on and the tension rose. The suit fit perfectly. The heart raced, the fingers got colder and sweaty. Now it's time, it's about to start. The gate opened, we looked deep into each other's eyes one more time, and then Ulli was gone...























... because she 🪂 jumped out of the plane 🪂 first.

Today we both dared to jump from 12,000ft and can now tick off our first skydive. And it was AWESOME!

The free fall.

Heading towards the ground without brakes.

The earth is upside down.

The feeling can't be described.

A short time later, the parachute opened and we landed safely back on the runway.

Do we want to do it again?

👨🏻 --> not today ❌

👱🏼‍♀️ --> definitely ❗❗

The evening was reserved for a delicious and trendy burger in Queenstown. A real treat, a must!!!

Insight of the day: (as HaPe Kerkeling would write in his bestseller "I'm Off Then...")

"Even a parachute has a barf bag!" 🤭

Waleran (7)

Weltklasse ihr zwei!

Ich bin so stolz auf Euch !!!! Ich würde mich für den nächsten Sprung mit anmelden ... Eure Fotos und Berichte sind: 😊 amazing 😊 liebe Grüße von mum 😙😙 ( dachten bestimmt alle, dass ihr geheiratet habt; SCHADE eigentlich 😢)

Den nächsten springen wir zwei Mädels aber dann zusammen .😇😇😘

Genau, Barbara das dachte ich auch erst aber nach dem weiterlesen kam dann der AHA Effekt. Liebe Ulli, Lieber Falk vielen Dank dass Ihr uns an diesem grandiosen Erlebnissen teilhaben lasst. Natürlich auch liebe Grüße von Sabine und Euch noch schöne Tage. 🤣

Coole Sache und wie immer mega geschrieben 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 Hätte ich tatsächlich den Falk gar nicht zugetraut 🙊😁

Super geschrieben 😅😅 und zum 🍀 seit ihr wohlbehalten auf dem Boden zurück 🙃🙃😊

Da habt ihr ja einige schön in die Irre geführt - mich inbegriffen 🤣 ich war gleich ganz aus dem Häuschen, hatte meine Nachricht schon getippt und dann....... 😂😂😂 Weltklasse ihr zwei !! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Selandia Baru
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