Vater&Tochter. Eine Fahrt in die Erinnerung
Vater&Tochter. Eine Fahrt in die Erinnerung

Now departure!

Diterbitkeun: 08.08.2018

Zü, now it's over. We are home. After two turbulent flights (St. Petersburg-Moscow and Moscow-Hamburg), with a go-around during the landing approach in Moscow, the heart was pounding, but the pants stayed dry.

The days in Russia were emotionally challenging, interesting and eventful.

The reception at Bremen Central Station by Gudrun and Amelie with flowers was overwhelming!

In the next few days and weeks, we will process what we experienced. We want to intensify our contacts with Vologda, Voshega, and Yawenga, and Anna will incorporate her findings into her Bachelor's thesis.

This time has brought us even closer. It will remain an unforgettable journey for us.

We greet everyone who read, followed, loved, and accompanied our daily reports!

Now we will reveal the secret of 'Knutschi' and the 'Breakfast Fairy': A young service staff whom we highly appreciated, from our favorite restaurant in Vologda, had a big love bite on her neck one day. We didn't know her name, so we called her 'Knutschi' (since then she was also happier)...

The 'Breakfast Fairy' at the hotel in Vologda was a very reserved, very friendly, and caring young lady who greeted us with a smile every morning (except the last one) and sweetened our start to the day.

Now everything else in person, and we happily fall into bed!

Tüdelüttüdelü- now back from the home surroundings ... :)
