Trips mit Travis
Trips mit Travis

Travis in Isabela, Galápagos

Diterbitkeun: 24.02.2024


Lobby Cormorant Beach House
View from the sofa 😍

Here we are sitting right now. This is the lobby of our hotel on Isabela Island. Soon a taxi comes and picks us up towards the ferry back to Santa Cruz.

But one after anonther! My older ones and I actually wanted to do and see a few things on Santa Cruz before we left for Isabela. But then there was another stupid little virus that paralyzed my oldest. So I kept her company while lying in bed.

We took a ferry here to Isabela four days ago.

On the ferry, fast boat

Beforehand you always take a small water taxi for one dollar to get to the larger boat.

In the water taxi

We left Santa Cruz at 7 a.m. and were at the hotel here in Puerto Villamil on Isabela about 2.5 hours later. When we got to the hotel it was still very early and we were still allowed to go to our room. The Cormorant Beach House was very accommodating and my adults were very happy.

View out of the window

And we had a particularly nice room too!

Iguana in front of the exit to the beach
Breakfast with a view

At the beginning my oldest was quite tired and I couldn't do much more than a short walk on the beach. But what else do you need with a beach like this right on your doorstep?

In the background one of Isabela's five volcanoes
Pelican tracks in the sand
My big boy and the pelicans
Pelicans hunting
Constantly sea lions everywhere
...and marine iguanas
Get up close
Look into my eyes, Small
My older ones liked it

My older ones were most excited about paddling the kayak to some small islands (Tintoreras) after a few days and then going snorkeling. From the kayak they saw penguins again and also the gannets with the blue feet. You definitely remember.

Penguin next to the kayak

But the most spectacular thing was snorkeling in the Concha de Perla. Right where the ferries dock. You walk along wooden walkways through the mangroves and then there is a small platform with steps into the water. There were already sea lions and iguanas lying around everywhere.

But that's when things really started in the water. Eagle rays, turtles, small sharks, lots of colorful fish.

Taken while snorkeling!

And especially iguanas and sea lions.

Iguana swimming

The iguanas here in the Galápagos have adapted to their environment over a very long time - my oldest says that's called evolution, and the man who came up with it - Charles Darwin - basically had the idea for it here in the Galapagos! Wooaaahhh!

In any case, the former land animals can go into the water, even into salty sea water, and eat a certain type of algae there. The larger male animals can dive for up to an hour (!). And all without an air bottle or anything!

Swimming iguana from behind

And now the best part! A sea lion had decided to play with my adults. Maybe that was funny. He floated on the surface, like people do when snorkeling, and looked. When you start moving, up and down and turning and overhead etc., it imitates all of that. Like a wild dance. And he seems to be having just as much fun.

Unfortunately I can't show you any moving pictures here, just photos. Have a look!

Well you!
Are you still taking part?
Come on let's play

It was wonderful - at least when I listen to my oldest and how enthusiastically she talks about it.

Yesterday we were just around the corner from the hotel at a lagoon where salt and fresh water mix. My older ones say it's called brackish water. Sounds a bit gross, I think.

Those who at least feel comfortable there are the flamingos! There is one species - only a few hundred of them - that is endemic to the Galápagos, so it only exists here and nowhere else.

Galapagos flamingo

And my oldest took some really nice pictures of them. Have a look:

On one leg
Good night
They can also fly

So our time here in Isabela was slowly coming to an end.

What made it even more special, however, was that Fay and Mary from Scotland were in the same hotel as us with their husbands. I haven't mentioned them yet, but my older ones met them on the liveaboard boat. And they liked each other right away. Of course the reunion was even nicer.

I think they liked me too

Well, now we go back to Puerto Ayora and after two more nights there we make our way back to Germany.

Five months have almost already passed - unbelievable. In any case, I have experienced an incredible amount and developed further. Do you remember how scared I was at the beginning? From water and other things too?

I am so grateful that I was able to go on this great trip with my two older ones. Hopefully you enjoyed accompanying us from afar.

I've also changed a bit on the outside. Are you looking at:

Change inside and outside

My oldest said that the washing machine could help with the condition of my fur. I haven't met them yet. Maybe she's nice and can do something about it.

In any case, it's now time to say goodbye to Isabela!

Isabela in the evening

I'll definitely get in touch with you again. You should at least find out when we've hopefully arrived home safely.

Until then, all the best from Travis, the buddy bear, and of course from his two big ones.


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