
26.10.19 Torres del Paine, Chile, Day 7

Diterbitkeun: 01.10.2019

We booked a day tour to Torres del Paine National Park because one day is not enough for hiking or exploring the park on our own.

The day starts with a fantastic breakfast. Since we are the only guests, we are served exclusively. There are fresh oranges, cereal, freshly baked bread, and fresh coffee.

After being strengthened, we leave the Wild Hostel for our day trip to Torres del Paine National Park. Since we had to return the rental car in Argentina and there is not much to see with public buses, we booked a full-day tour through the hostel. We drive for about 3 hours to the park entrance. We make a stop at the Argentine border for coffee, etc.

We see a condor shortly after. El Condor Pasa 🎵 lalala

This time we also get a photo of a rhea.

There are plenty of guanacos here. The guide tells us that guanacos live in pairs or groups. There is always a single animal on the mountainside keeping an eye out for pumas. When there is danger, this animal warns the herd with a horse-like sound.

The guide, a young woman from Barcelona, tells us a lot about the nature here in the park. The next stop is at a waterfall, Cascada Paine. The waterfall is not very big, but the colors here are amazing. We are lucky with the weather again today.

We reach the national park at the entrance of Laguna Amarga. The entrance fee is 21,000 pesos for 3 days, which is about €25.

There are also pumas here, but unfortunately we don't see any. The next stop is again at a turquoise lake with the mountain range in the background.

Nature awakens here as well.

The next stop is Salto Grande, another waterfall with an incredible panorama.

100 m³ per second flow down from here. From here, you can see the enormous masses of glacial ice on the mountains.
We continue to Lago Pehoe... words are missing.

The second to last stop is Glacier Grey, and here the sun is suddenly back. We cross a suspension bridge to a beach.

Huge icebergs that have fallen off the glacier are floating in the water. We walk along a beach with a view of the huge Grey Glacier and the mountains.

The ice cubes in the water clink here, and the scenery is amazing.

Now I also know where glacier candies get their color from 🤪
When we are back in the car, it starts raining. They say that in Patagonia, there are 4 seasons in one day. We were so lucky today. When 👼🏻 👼🏻 travel 😁 Dos Angeles 🤪 The day was worth every penny. We paid €50 per person for 12 hours.

We have a "WildBurger" at the hostel, very tasty. There are peaceful protests again on the street. Tomorrow we are heading to Punta Arenas, where we will board the ship.

From tomorrow onwards, we will probably be without Wi-Fi and network until the 31st October. So don't be surprised by the break, but on our ship, the Ventus Australis, there will probably be no network and no Wi-Fi.

See you soon 🚢🚢


Laporan perjalanan Chili