
6th day of the dream tour

Diterbitkeun: 12.03.2022

Today off to Lucca. By train, it's only half an hour away, and then walk, walk, walk.

Lucca's city center is surrounded by a 4 km long ring-shaped city wall, which you can walk along - but not me, I want to explore the city, not the wall. So let's go, stroll from Chiesa (church) to the area pedonale (pedestrian zone) slowly, with ice cream and coffee break in the impressive Amphitheater; through an archway a circular square opens up in front of the visitors, surrounded by tall houses in the colors of Tuscany, and sitting here in the sun with a Caffe Latte and a sweet croissant is simply bellissimo 😍.

There are many narrow alleys in Lucca where the sun sometimes barely penetrates, then wide piazzi with restaurants and ice cream parlors. There is a lot to see, small narrow shops, no big stores, so no H&M, no McDonald's, just Italian negozi, very pleasant and authentic. It's a lot of fun to stroll around here.

Tipp: In Via Fillungo, at the Moka Bar, you can get very tasty and cheap sandwiches made with crispy bread for a small snack.

Insight of the day: Ice cream tastes good in Lucca too 😉🙋‍♀️


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