

Diterbitkeun: 09.08.2024

Hello, friends of the sun.

In the middle of the night, we took a taxi to the airport in Singapore to fly to Sydney from there. We left our hotel room a bit hastily because Julian called a taxi that arrived at our hotel in no time, [while] we were still busy [with] packing. We wouldn't be the chaotic travel group if we hadn't forgotten something again. No, it wasn't our passports or our beloved UNO or our microfiber [towels] or a phone or a SIM card... it was Julian's wallet. However, we only realized this two days later.

At the airport, we wasted an hour before our flight took off. The flight would have probably been pleasant if the air conditioning hadn't been unbearably cold. Anticipating this, I had packed a scarf and wore long clothes. However, Julian sat next to me in shorts and a T-shirt and froze his ass off. This was probably also the reason why he got terribly sick a few days later.

Upon arriving in Sydney, the first thing we bought were SIM cards from Vodafone (not our best choice) and then searched for the train station to get to our accommodation. Damn, everything here is expensive. After getting used to the prices in Southeast Asia, everything here seemed way overpriced. But we would probably have to get used to it.

Sydney was cold, and transitioning from the tropical climate of Southeast Asia to the winter temperatures in Australia was a challenge. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the cool, fresh air on my skin and in my lungs. I felt like I could finally breathe properly again for the first time in a long time. I inhaled the scents of deciduous trees, grass, and bark mulch as we visited a small park near our accommodation, and I enjoyed [the] feeling of having more familiar things around me. No noise from passing scooters anymore, [no] smells from street food or a language I didn't understand. I was even looking forward to the tram. We spent our evening in a lovely restaurant, where we had extremely delicious pasta and drank beer before cuddling up together in our small bed to warm each other and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning started almost hectic as we had to catch our train into the unknown. In all the rush, we naturally forgot my beloved yellow scarf, which I had snagged in Thailand, and Julian's water bottle, which always had to serve as a makeshift hot water bottle. We probably wouldn't be us if we didn't forget something. After all, this was just a little annoyance compared to our usual losses (I've just spent about 20 minutes thinking about the right word for lost items).

We caught our train and traveled 4 hours north. Away from Sydney, where we got off in the middle of nowhere and were picked up by Kevin, our future host. He drove us even deeper into the wilderness until we arrived at a small farm near Krambach.

Here we would spend the next weeks and months. But more on that next time.

Until then 🐑

See you ☀️

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

4oChatGPT k

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