
Wednesday, 19.02., Tutukaka and Whangarei

Diterbitkeun: 20.02.2020

Sunrise over the sea - how beautiful! On the way to our meeting point, we are followed by a 'villain' with horns!!! Phew, left hanging at the traffic lights.

Today we have a very special adventure planned: We are going on a tour with Tu Tika Tours. Mervyn and Rangimarie welcome us at the I-Site in Maori style and take us on a Maori tour through Whangarei in the northernmost region of New Zealand. We learn more about the art, traditions, and history of the Maori. The tour takes us to the landmarks of Whangarei such as the Whangarei Falls, the Kauri trees, and Mount Parihaka. During the tour, which only has three of us, we receive a lot of information about the history and culture of the Maori. For example, Mervyn tells us the story of the Kauri tree and its brother, the whale. We would be happy to tell you more about it :-). He impressively demonstrates his connection and pride with and in his culture. Of course, a little Haka is not to be missed. And we also learn a Maori song. After that, it is time to say goodbye - in the old Maori tradition.

Heather picks us up in the parking lot. She is a good friend of Nicki and Francis, and the meeting has been planned for some time. It is a warm meeting and we have a lot to talk about. With her, we take another round in the Kauri forest and then drive to the port of Whangarei for a little snack. After that, we take a walk along the waterfront.

A Hundertwasser house is currently being built there, which has apparently been planned for a long time and is only now being realized. Heather then takes us to our car, where we give her our souvenir, a Spätzle shaker. We have a lot of laughs along the way.

Back at the house, I fall into a deep sleep for an hour after the exhausting day. But it's not over yet, because on Annie's (another friend of Nicki and Francis) recommendation, we have reserved a table at 'Schnappa Rock' and walk down to Tutukaka Harbor in 20 minutes. Very nice here and the food is delicious: Pitta bread with herbs, hummus, and olives, then Mussel & Clam Chowder (Reinhard) and salad (Eva). The way back is spectacular, as it is dark, no lights in sight, and the starry sky shines.


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