Danish Dynamite
Danish Dynamite

15.08. Labyrinth Park Kalvehave, trip to Møns Klint

Diterbitkeun: 15.08.2022

We leave the campsite in Copenhagen around 12 o'clock and head to the island of Møn. We are still puzzling over our stopover, the choice is between the observation tower in Rønnede (a 45m high wooden tower with impressive architecture, apparently one of the main attractions on the island of Zealand) or the labyrinth park in Kalvehave, a confusing adventure...

After checking the entrance fees, we decide on the labyrinth. 30€ entrance fee per person for an observation tower is a bit much. We decide to go home soon and climb the Jubiläumswarte again - also a nice view for free.

The labyrinth park is a collection of hedge mazes and other games created in nature. We try everything - finally we start in the biggest labyrinth. We are supposed to find 6 different stations and collect a stamp at each one. We walk and walk until we are desperate. It's a miracle that we don't stumble over human skeletons. Neither the exit nor the stamp stations can be found, everything looks the same.... Samuel is tired and has to be carried, it's exhausting. We don't have anything to drink either. When does the park close again? Who came up with something like this?

Finally, we manage to get out and receive a certificate. A certificate!? For this achievement, we should at least receive a knighthood from the Danish Queen herself...

At least we made it out. We continue to Camp Møns Klint, a crowded but very beautiful place. There seems to be a Dutch colony here - somewhat unusual on our trip.


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