
02/21/2020 Akhirna sehat deui

Diterbitkeun: 14.03.2020

After not having written a blog for a whole 6 days, here comes the next one :D
That was because not much happened during the week, as I was unfortunately sick.

On the weekend, I must have eaten something wrong, because on Monday I had to leave school early due to headaches, fever, and stomach & intestinal issues.
Being sick abroad is really not a pleasant matter, especially because everything here is very unhygienic and dirty. Moreover, it naturally affects the mood quickly and
one misses home a lot. But by now I'm feeling really good again and I feel fit enough to start the next excursion alone tomorrow.

Today at school, I painted again and it was really fun again, since I had a longer break from it. But I have to say that it
was really exhausting because the Harmattan is gone again and the sun was shining very strongly. Accordingly, I couldn't achieve as much because I took breaks more often.

After lunch break, a few big games (with all students) were played. It's always so nice to see because the children always have so much fun with it.

Afterwards, I gave a young student some German lessons, as she wants to retake her German exam soon. Unfortunately, she failed the oral
part of the first one. It's a small miracle to me that she came today. She was 1.5 hours late, though, but she didn't show up on the last two Fridays...
For me, it's really something to get used to here with the spontaneity and the unpunctuality. When someone says, for example, that they will come 'tomorrow', it often means that they might
actually only come in 2 weeks. 'Soon' can also mean 6 hours here :D(small update: that was also the only time she came :D)

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