
Off to the next stop - Bacalar

Diterbitkeun: 16.02.2022

After a great time in Valladolid, we took the bus to Bacalar at 11am. Just a quick info about the buses: We are using the ADO company and are completely satisfied. The buses are sometimes better than German buses, we have always arrived at our destination on time and felt safe. We will be driving the longest distance to Bacalar, a total of 5 hours. Leonie, our snack coordinator, had a clever idea. Let's take the leftover pizza from yesterday with us on the bus. With 5 hours, we will surely get hungry. So that's exactly what we did, and various people looked at us with confusion as we got on the bus with our heavily loaded backpacks and a pizza box. Most of them are probably just jealous of the great idea - the snack coordinator pondered out loud. Well, we really enjoyed the pizza and arrived in Bacalar feeling satisfied. After a short walk after our arrival, it was time for the Super Bowl - finally at a reasonable time! The next day, we wanted to see the main reason for our visit. The Laguna de 7 colores (Lagoon of 7 colors) is supposed to contain 7 different shades of blue, as the name already suggests. Unfortunately, we found that there is hardly any way to access the lagoon freely. The shore is mostly fenced and built with restaurants, hotels, or private houses. So we booked a boat tour for the afternoon. When we set off for the boat tour, the sky unfortunately became overcast and it became relatively cool. Nevertheless, we embarked on the tour and were able to admire the beautiful colors. There are also cenotes in the middle of the lagoon. We visited two of them. Cenote Negra was the most impressive because you could see exactly where it started under the water, as it abruptly went deep into the water and you couldn't see the bottom - very spooky! We stopped at two spots to go swimming. But unfortunately, it was very cool, so only Roman jumped into the water briefly. Bacalar is definitely recommended for a short stopover. The lagoon is beautiful and the relaxed atmosphere permeates the whole city. On our last full day, we mainly used our time to relax and plan our next stops and eat something in between. On February 16th, we will continue by bus to Tulum, the hipster spot in Mexico. We are excited!
Waleran (1)

Das hört sich alles Mega spannend an. Wünschen euch weiterhin ganz viel Spaß! 😊

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