Diterbitkeun: 11.05.2020

Last Monday, I had my first Zoom meeting with other Hopees (exchange students) and mentors. Normally, I would have gone to Freiburg at the end of April to attend the 2nd seminar over the weekend. But of course, Corona screwed things up and it was canceled. Unfortunately, because the seminars before the study abroad year are just an unforgettable part of the whole experience. You meet so many new people and have an incredible amount of fun.

The seminar started late in the evening and lasted for 90 minutes. Due to peer pressure, I had to turn on my camera, even though I looked like a mess. Don't mind. After half of the time, we were assigned to smaller groups (initially there were 170 people in the room) and exchanged ideas with our mentor. I even knew a dude from the 1st AFS seminar in September.

Tonight is the second out of a total of four calls. Every week, we focus on a different topic that is supposed to prepare us for our stay abroad. For this, we have to complete two assignments each week.

I really hope that at least the 3rd and final seminar can take place in mid-June. The first two seminars have been cross-border. In the third one, participants are divided into countries. So, I'll only participate in the seminar with Hopees who are also going to the USA. Maybe I'll even meet Hopees who will be on the plane with me a few months later or maybe even going to the same state. If the seminar will be online as well, I will be extremely excited. Big middle finger to Corona.

Thanks for reading.



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