
TAG 1 - Arriving

Diterbitkeun: 24.07.2020

Finally arrived - at our first milestone: Denmark. More precisely: Fredericia.

Surprise Bambi - Kirkeskov
Surprise Bambi - Kirkeskov
Weather: rather changeable, so ideal for leveling up our hiking skills. Today we only did a small tour: once through the forest Kirkeskov to the cape (#TreldeNæs) and back along the Vejle Fjord. So far so good, for the start, 15 km (19,000 steps) are actually not that exhausting. However, you should not wear white shoes in the rain-soaked forest or walk through the wonderfully white sandy beach with them (guess who did that). But don't worry, nobody fell (you really have to be careful on the very steep coast) or had to continue with wet shoes.

Primeval forest feeling right by the sea
Primeval forest feeling right by the sea

Vejle Fjord - Trelde Næs
Vejle Fjord - Trelde Næs

Waleran (2)

Ich wünsche euch eine schöne und erlebnisreiche Reise und freue mich schon auf eure Fotos und Berichte. Liebe Grüße von eurer Tante Sylvia

Danke!! Wird noch einiges kommen. Grüße von Frederic und Agnes

Laporan perjalanan Dénmark