
Day 20: Fast drying to Hamburg

Diterbitkeun: 01.08.2023

The view from the window does not promise anything good. Everything is gray, but dry. There is no hurry to leave. I still have to decide where to stay in Hamburg. The Allianz has contracts with good conditions with 4 hotels. Mexikoring, Kapstadtring or Altona? That reminds me of Joachim Ringelnatz:

In Hamburg lived two ants,
They wanted to travel to Australia.
On the road near Altona
Their legs hurt...

The rest of the poem doesn't fit (it's about abstaining), but the decision has been made: I'm staying in Altona.

After that, I pack my things, load up my bike - and the sun is shining. I quickly look at the old town of Lauenburg, beautiful narrow streets, old houses, half-timbering, and the Elbe River. Not as big as Hitzacker, but quite pleasant. I have to push uphill for a bit, the path runs along the high bank. It is like the Isar high bank, but not as steep and a bit bigger. The forest paths are softened by the rain, with the inevitable cobblestones in between. Caution is required. Then I'm back to the river, I pass the Krümel power plant. Shortly after that, the first break. I watch the cleaning of the houseboat, it has to be done. Still sunny; I start thinking of headlines for the blog. 'Lucky weather' is my favorite.

The outskirts of Hamburg are reached, only 38 km to the city center. That's different from what komoot told me. I have to clarify that, definitely. I started with a total of 42 km. But it doesn't matter, it's not raining. Endless country roads to ride on, the first thatched roofs can be seen. Then the storm arrives. Good luck, goodbye...

First signs of the city, the silhouette with Elphi and Michel is beginning to appear, still unclear. The cycle path to the city center is great, hardly any traffic. I focus on the Elbphilharmonie, I'm driving 'by sight'. Komoot complains that I have left the planned tour. I solve the problem with the mute button. Find a good position for the photo, many people around me. The evidence is provided!

With Google Maps, I ride to the hotel in Altona, along the long Stresemannstraße. Shortly after taking the photo, it started pouring again, and once again I walk into the hotel soaking wet. I have cycled 1,277 kilometers to get here, without electricity. I'm a little proud of myself!
