die kleine Hexe
die kleine Hexe

The Great Bike Tour Day 30: Perugia and Franzl

Објављено: 21.05.2022

Why dogs bark all night long is a mystery to me, but here they do. Fortunately, I have figured out how to put these earplugs in my ears so that they don't fall out right away...

Since today's stage is quite short, I take the essentially vertical detour through the old town and push my bike up a considerable distance. At the top, I am rewarded with a selection of about a dozen churches: San Pietro is always good.

In the green-painted courtyard, there is a toilet, great, very convenient for me. Even before I realize that the door is locked, the man from the basilica's ticket office rushes out and says that I cannot leave my bike here and the entrance fee is 6€. Like so many other Italians, as soon as he realizes that I speak a few words of Italian, he becomes much friendlier. Two days ago, an e-bike was stolen here, locked and with a lock. The basilica is still closed, but I should still go in, there is a toilet on the left. Of course, I immediately visit the church and when I leave, I want to pay, but he waves me off, he is a cyclist himself, he doesn't want anything.

The stage today is really not that long, I just want to go to the campsite briefly and then visit Assisi. At the campsite - another 100 meters above the old town - I first get lost in conversation with a Dutch retired couple who want to cycle from Rome to Amsterdam. After showering, I realize how exhausted I am. Going down to the city again would be really exhausting. Besides, my phone is acting up and doesn't want to charge, which is of course a disaster. It is my navigation and my internet research device, without my phone I couldn't even make a phone call!

So Franz will have to wait until tomorrow, it's only 4 more stages to Rome.


Camping Fontemaggio, 13.50€, fast Wi-Fi, hot water, no toilet paper, but a beautiful view over the plain

Одговор (4)

Ich liege jetzt mit Corona darnieder und freue mich an deinen Berichten! Wie schön, Assisi, und direkt neben dem guten Restaurant "La Stalla"! Und philosophisch bist du geworden in den letzten Tagen! Wobei Expedition und Urlaub doch kein Widerspruch sind. Da könnte ich wunderbar mitphilosophieren: Im Urlaub "aus sich heraus" gehen, an die Grenze gehen, sich verlieren - wunderbar... Genieß die letzten Etappen, viel zu schnell ist alles vorbei!

Lieber Berthold, Ja, ich genieße es sehr, Assisi ist ein Ort der inspirierenden Menschen, sogar auf dem Campingplatz! Du warst hier bestimmt auch schon, wenn du das La Stalla kennst ;) Hoffe, dass Dich die Seuche nur milde erwischt und Du bald wieder zu neuen Taten und Touren schreiten kannst. Herzliche Grüße von einem Fleckchen Erde, das vor Kultur/Religion und Historie nur so strotzt

. Und guarisci presto!

P.S.: ich schreibe den Blog übrigens auf dem Schul-iPad, das ich dafür extra mitschleppe - für irgendwas muss das Ding ja gut sein, daheim brauch ich‘s nicht ;)

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