
XIX. Family Outing

Објављено: 20.10.2016

So, finally I have time to report on my last Sunday! We all went on a trip to visit Rafa's family, who lives about 3 hours away on the other side of Lake Nicaragua, in the morning at 5 o'clock with the bus.

By all I mean the entire circus family (including all volunteers), another part of Rafa's family, and Rafa from the lagoon. Also in our luggage: food and drinks for everyone, a dog, and our kitten.

The journey there was already very, very beautiful because the view was simply breathtaking and there was plenty of music and topics for conversation the whole time.

Arriving at Rafa's family's house, I was a little overwhelmed at first. The large family lives on a large, muddy site with a small tin house. Not to forget many cats, dogs, cows, and incredibly cute, freely running pigs!
While the grill was being heated to prepare lunch, we took a tour in the rowboat down the small river that leads to the lake. I had the best seat at the front of the boat and was able to enjoy the view of the green surroundings full of different bird species to the fullest.
Back at the house, an incredibly delicious lunch awaited us. We had yuca, chicken and pork, rice, tortillas, plantains, and cabbage salad with us, and I almost burst.
Afterwards, we walked to the lake with the children of the house to swim a little and get bitten by mosquitoes.
Finally, we had brownies and apple crumble, which the three Canadian girls baked, and then stuffed ourselves with the leftovers after a few games of UNO.
Just in time for the sunset, we set off on the way back to Granada (I slept almost the whole time), this time taking a different route and crossing a river with a cool Lord of the Rings-like ferry (Bockenburg Ferry for all connoisseurs).
By nine o'clock we were back home and I fell straight into bed - it was wonderful!

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