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Mit Bus & Bahn durch Slowenien & Kroatien

Sick in Hvar

Објављено: 15.09.2018

After 10 hours of sleep, which I really needed, I still don't feel completely well. I spend most of the day in my mini apartment, doing laundry, writing blog posts, and resting. Around noon, I go out to have brunch, treating myself to a smoothie and cheesecake, and start writing the first postcards.

I think the place Stari Grad (Croatian for 'Old Town') is really beautiful. It's surprisingly deserted for a Saturday, but that's exactly what I need right now :) I do think Hvar is the more interesting city, but I can visit it later when I've recovered from my cold.

Since my mini kitchen is relatively well-equipped, I cook myself delicious wraps and eat all 3 of them...

In the front yard of the house, there is peppermint growing, and along my balcony there is a lemon tree - I steal some for my cold tea. Somehow, I believe once again that it can't be a coincidence that I ended up in this Airbnb in this situation!


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