
A few critical thoughts

Објављено: 21.07.2019

Iceland is a wonderful country. The inhabitants are friendly and appreciate their country very much. Unlike in Germany, everything is not always tidy here, and Icelanders do not really value interior design, and there are no cleaned cars (and if someone claims that my car at home is dirty again - I'll just laugh). They don't let themselves get stressed and approach most topics very relaxed. But I have to share a critical thought now. The issue of environmental protection has not arrived here as much as one would wish. It is to be noted positively that there is no waste lying around anywhere, as the Icelanders really pay attention to that. On the other hand, due to the geological conditions, the Icelanders have a huge advantage, electricity and heat production take place exclusively through geothermal energy, which means that they really work climate-neutral here. The prevailing climate warming (glacier melting) also concerns the Icelanders, of course. It is noticeable that the issue of disposable and plastic consumption is not yet or not sufficiently considered here. Most of the beer sold here is drunk from cans, which have a minimal deposit of 9 ISK - this corresponds to about 6 cents per can. And then the beer is also delivered. Why bottle beer is not sold for such cases is a mystery to me. The same applies to waste separation. Paper is supposed to be collected separately - however, I have not yet discovered any collection point anywhere. There is no composting, and apart from paper, everything is thrown together in the bin. It is actually a pity that the Icelanders do not consistently take a step further here.

Another little story on the side. Yesterday, after my little photo shoot with the cute lambs, they should be brought to the other sheep. So Magnus grabbed the lambs, put them in the car, and drove with them to the other end of his property to leave them there. After all, they shouldn't become new Olafs. And who did I meet on my horseback ride this morning? I recognized them by their bleating - our 3 lambs. They have already found a third of the way back - I'm curious when they will be back again :-)
