

Објављено: 12.07.2023

After coffee and the morning portion of fruit, we went back to the center. The goal was a bakery, because what the Danes are really good at is sweet pastries. We quickly found what we were looking for and since there was almost a three-for-two offer, we decided on a vanilla-rhubarb bag, a chocolate croissant, and a caramel snail - all simply heavenly delicious!

Soon after, it was time to say goodbye to the city and head to the next destination, Esbjerg. The focal point is the harbor, which remains ice-free even in winter and is home to Denmark's largest fishing fleet. Esbjerg is also known for the four monumental figures "People by the Sea". These were also our first stop.

Somehow, the figures have something, but somehow they are also not particularly beautiful. The endeavor to capture the four guys without any other people on them proved to be particularly difficult. Barely did someone leave the photo window, the next person strolled into the picture from another side...

The rest of the day I spent in bed, fingers crossed that I will soon get rid of this crap as well. And we were so nicely located overlooking the beach with a view of the North Sea, over to Fano, sniff (literally...).


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