
Last Stop Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh city 🌃

Објављено: 29.11.2018


Sorry not sorry for not messaging yesterday. We were sitting on the night bus again🙄

 On Wednesday, we left the hotel at 11:30 am after checking out. Dalat is known for its mild climate (never below 5 degrees Celsius, but never above 28) and is famous for agriculture and especially flowers. Flowers are planted here all year round (in greenhouses that are illuminated at night... grow flowers 💐, grooooow- by the way, it looks really cool in the dark ☝🏽) and sold throughout Vietnam. So we went to the Flower Garden. Somehow a mixture of a park and a fairy garden.. what you can do with flowers 🙄😂 well- for us, who don't have a green thumb, it was really beautiful.

We spent the rest of the day going from coffee to coffee, stuffing our faces with 5 different cakes in between (the belly needs to grow...) and then returned to the hotel around 5 pm. We then had a conversation with the receptionist. 21 years old and lesbian- but cannot come out because her parents do not accept it and neither does society.. unfortunately, here people who are attracted to the same sex are portrayed as sick and some parents take their children to the hospital in the hope of finding a medication for this illness... what the hell...🤦🏽‍♀️ Thank god we live in the West and this kind of thing doesn't happen anymore. It's incredibly retarded, to the point of making you almost aggressive. She also got really mad because she doesn't understand how people here just continue as before without wanting to change anything.. especially in terms of education and knowledge.. she thinks most people here are too lazy to take control of their own lives and improve themselves... that's exactly why Vietnam is the way it is. Educated in the big cities, completely stuck in the countryside.. but people love their lives..🤷🏽‍♀️ What the farmer doesn't know..............

You know how it is. Nevertheless, the people here are incredibly friendly and accommodating. We haven't had a single bad experience here so far😊🥳

At some point, we got hungry and then we were already on the bus.

Unfortunately, the bus driver was a crazy burner who didn't seem to care much about his own life. That's why we arrived a whole hour earlier in Ho Chi Minh City (or- before Ho Chi Minh died- the city was called Saigon).

Yes- in the middle of the night (4:15 am) we arrived and were a bit disoriented. In Vietnam, all bars close at 1 am. Not in Ho Chi Minh. The city never sleeps.. there was so much going on and even old women and men were still out on the streets...

This city is definitely a different world. Ho Chi Minh is the largest city in Vietnam, even the capital is smaller. And omg- there is so much going on here too.

Well, then we walked to the hotel- by now we are seasoned professionals and always look for a hotel near the arrival point☝🏽💡

When we arrived, there was a note on the door saying "Lara- this is my phone number- please call me". 2 minutes later, he was already there and let us in. This time we have a homestay and not a hotel.. but the homestay includes a coffee shop where we can have breakfast, etc. Our room actually looks like the pictures🤙🏽😂

Then we slept until 08:30 and had breakfast.

We had 32 degrees Celsius all day. Even now at 11 pm, it's still 28 degrees.🥵

We walked around the city the whole time, went to parks, and especially to the "War Remnants Museum". I don't think we've ever been so quiet for so long as in this museum. What the country went through (thanks USA!) is really not normal. And yet, the people here are so friendly, even those who experienced the war- even towards Americans. We should definitely learn from the people here and their way of living.

At some point, we got over our shock and then returned to the hotel.

We met up with Allan and Gerben again at 5 pm (yes- they are in the same city as us again) and went for dinner. Gerben is flying home tomorrow morning, we will meet Allan again in Cambodia and Thailand (what a coincidence and miracle🤦🏽‍♀️😂).

We had so much fun and laughed with them....😂😂 incredible 

Well- tomorrow will be another exhausting day😂 so- 11 pm- off to bed 😛😴😴

Одговор (2)

Hola chicas 🤙 , na dann ist es wohl deutlich besser und angenehmer, als die Tage zuvor 😉 Vor allem auch, was das Wetter angeht 🌞😎 (Aber heo, hier wird es jetzt auch wieder Frühling!!! Um die 10°C 🙈😭) Tja, freundliche Menschen, tolles Wetter, viel Spaß, bissle Kultur und dann noch ein Frühstück (fast) wie zu Hause... 😂 das kann man schon mal so machen 👍😃 Bin immer no bissle neidisch ... - aber lasst es euch auf jeden Fall weiter gut gehn 🍜🍺🌞

Jaa, als nächstes geht es auf eine Urlaubsinsel😛😂 danke dir, wir geben alles 🤗

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