
Climbing and the past weeks

Објављено: 20.05.2018

Saturday 28.4.(76 km)

Buis les Baronnies

Our Warmshowers family meets us on the bikes just before the finish.
They want to go to a flea market and we join them.
Unfortunately, they got the date wrong, so we go to a store that thrives on 'trade-in' business.
Meaning, people bring things they no longer need and you can take something else in return.
After that, we go to a garden party.
The city provides free gardens, and with some luck you can get one if they aren't already all taken.
There are a lot of 'eco people' here.
Unfortunately, our idea of a festive grill party is not confirmed, here you share a bottle of wine with 10 others, and the only thing that goes on the grill is the homemade bread by Kathrine.
Later in the apartment, we get to know our host family a little better.
Isis, born in Quebec, with her French boyfriend Clemènt and their 2-year-old daughter Yaëlle.

Sunday 29.4.- Tuesday 1.5.
We spend the next 3 days with the vegan-living family.
We hike up Mount St. Julien one day and go climbing the other days.
Unfortunately, more or less in vain, because the rain always spoils our plans.

Wednesday 2.5. - Monday 7.5.
Now it's climbing, climbing, climbing.
We get to know 4 Germans with whom we go out for a nice rosé every evening.
Otherwise, we enjoy the time and 'our place'.
The family has actually offered us to continue using their apartment during their vacation in Canada.
Mega nice!!!!
On our last day, after 7 days of climbing, we just relax and clean up a bit.

Tuesday 8.5. (53 km/1400 Hm)
After a sunny ride over a pass, we arrive at our next selected climbing area.
Right after our arrival, it starts to rain.
When the rain stops, we want to set up the tent, and just as we're doing that, it starts again.
So annoying!
We go back under cover and wait.
At the next attempt, it's the same story, but this time at least the tent is set up and we can go to the common room.
Finally, the sun comes out, we dry our stuff, and go shopping.

Wednesday 9.5.
Climbing until 12 then rain.
We sit under a rock and wait for it to stop.
Once back at the campsite, it starts again.
So we go back to the common room, have a beer, and wait...
We're pretty bored because we don't have any games left, and reading all the time is not really a solution.
But what else can we do?

Thursday 10.5.

Friday 11.5. (21 km)
We pack our stuff and go climbing.
It's extremely crowded, and in the afternoon we head to Serres. Here we find a small cheap campsite.

Saturday 12.5. (26 km)
On our way, we pass by a climbing rock (Sigottier).
The routes are on a board at the parking lot, so we can go without a climbing guide.
It's a wonderfully sunny day and we have a lot of fun climbing.
Later, we can't find a free spot to camp, but we find a campsite with pizza and rosé.


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