
Cycling to the 80s

Lolomiina: 09.07.2023

we are on the road (129:2)

Another very warm day today - too warm for a hike. So back on the bikes and off we go.

The exhibition in Karlsruhe Castle is the destination in the early hours. Good side effect: the exhibition is air-conditioned! The path through the Hardtwald is still shady and pleasant to ride at 10 o'clock. Some runners are on the way - it seems that another major race is taking place here. In the castle park, the first families spread out picnic blankets under the old, shade-giving trees and the children scatter toys around them. A beautiful sight.

A cycling group from Münsterland has also gathered. They wanted to test the Rhine Cycle Path starting from Rastatt. Wasn't that great - the cycle path. It was all gravel road, which required increased attention. No one told them that the French side doesn't run directly along the Rhine, but is much more relaxed. They are on their way to Stuttgart (for a concert), then Speyer is on the agenda and they will head north again via Worms. But first, a photo on the throne in front of the castle tower. As Rio Reiser once sang: Wenn ich König von Deutschland wär! (If I were king of Germany!)

The castle shines in the sunshine and looks really magnificent. In fact, it is pleasantly cool inside. The exhibition on 80s Germany/East Germany has brought to light some things from the depths of memory that we really experienced. Not only the technological achievements like the touch-tone phone, the Walkman (of course from Sony), the record collection with Tracy Chapman, Madonna, Roland Kaiser, Ton-Steine-Scherben (including Rio Reiser), Eric Clapton, and more find their place. Each record also has an explanation from the respective time.

And, of course, the film posters of that time are also part of this collection: Wim Wenders' Wings of Desire, The Name of the Rose (some scenes were filmed in Maulbronn Monastery), Out of Africa, and ET. ET can also be admired as a figure with his raised finger.

Photographs of living rooms from that time can also be seen, as well as the household classics of the time - the lemon squeezer on 3 legs and the water kettle with the little bird on the spout. Politics naturally also plays a role - mainly in the form of photographs from that time - cover photos of various magazines. Oh, almost forgot: Super Mario is accessible as a game console for young and old hands.

A flood of memories that a young audience may not necessarily be able to relate to. AIDS was such a big issue back then that there was a TV spot with Ingolf Lück and Hella von Sinnen. He discreetly tries to buy a pack of colorful condoms (hidden among other things). Whereupon the cashier loudly calls out: Tina, how much are the condoms? And time simply stands still for all customers.

In the whole exhibition, there are still spots available for visitors to donate things with their corresponding stories. Also a nice idea.

Unfortunately, the museum café had not yet opened its doors. We would have liked to use the large terrace with the sun umbrellas for an espresso and plenty of water before we make our way back through the no longer quite so shady forest.

Too bad - but nothing to be done.

See you soon
