Vanlife Stories
Vanlife Stories

Always follow the water

Lolomiina: 25.11.2021

After the experiences of the last few days, I want to start early today to get a lot of sun. In the morning, I walk to the spring to refill my water and stock up on tea for the day. The sun is still hiding behind the mountain, but it is gradually enveloping the clouds in a pink light.

I start the hike passing orange and lemon trees on field paths up the mountain.

I also have to pass by a house with 3 dogs that barked at me so loudly that I really hope there is no hole in the fence here... Yesterday on the walk in the village, a dog without a leash jumped up at me. Luckily, the owner called him back right away. Dogs are not actually my favorite animals on this trip... But everything is fine and I safely get past the dogs.

It seems that I am on the wrong path because there is no sign of water anywhere in sight. The route is called 'Ruta del Agua', but it keeps going uphill and is windy. So I decide to turn around. Down below, I discover the path right along the river. After a 10-minute walk on beautiful little paths, I discover paradise for swimming. The decision to start the hike early paid off. The sun is shining directly on the water at this time of day. :)

Tali (1)

Toll… die Orangen- und Zitronenbäume:-) Hab letztens Wochenende 8kg Orangen aus Sizilien bekommen… die bringen mich gesund über die kalten Tage hier.

Lipoti o femalagaaiga Spain