
The dark side of seafaring!

Lolomiina: 12.07.2023

Hello dear fellow human beings,

It's been three weeks again since I last contacted you. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. The more friends I make here, the less time I take for quiet moments.
A lot has happened in the past few weeks. Unfortunately, I had to say goodbye to my first and best friend and send him back to Indonesia (Jakarta). Additionally, our team at the brewery has changed. Many people I had to say goodbye to and many new great people who have joined. I probably will never see most of the people here again. Nevertheless, I see it in a very positive light and I am grateful for every person I have had the opportunity to meet. It is not common to have such experiences at a young age. The experience will accompany me throughout my life.
I don't even know how to address the next topic, but it is also important for me to let you know what life at sea can bring.
Unfortunately, two people had to leave our team prematurely.
In memory of John's sister who passed away on 28.04. I work with many Indonesian and Filipino colleagues and I know that their motivation is very different from ours Germans. They work on the ship to provide for their families. They often don't see their children grow up because they spend 10 months at sea and then are at home for 1-2 months.
They finance the lives of their families back home and there is no thought of a vacation. Therefore, despite this sad news, I was very happy for John that Aida paid for his return flight and he was able to be with his family again.
In addition, Maxime had to leave early. Her grandfather had a serious accident and was put in an artificial coma.
I can't even imagine how I would react in such a moment.
You are somewhere on the open seas and receive such news. That is the downside of seafaring. You are far away from everything and cannot be there for your fellow human beings. I also received another sad news from back home. Even though we all know that this is part of life, it still feels like the ground is being pulled out from under you.
I have thought a lot about this and I am sure that everyone should do what they feel like doing, even if it means being away from their family for a longer period of time. The disappointment of not doing something is ultimately greater than the fear of not doing something.

This is a really difficult topic, but it was also important for me to share it with you.


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